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Selected Plan Commission Minutes
Town of Garfield Plan Commission Meeting
Jul 08, 2010

 Town of Garfield Plan Commission Meeting Minutes

July 8, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

In attendance: Orval Johnson, Chairman; George Stroebel, Member; Mark Kopp, Member; Marilyn Buckingham, Member; Natalie Trudeau, Member; Barry Eklund, Member; Nolan Wall, Planner from Stevens Engineers; Ed Gullickson; Town Board Chairman.

Also present: Community members: Barry Schaefer, Lee Olsen and Darrell Emmerson.

The Chairman introduced the new Plan Commission Members, Natalie Trudeau and Barry Eklund and welcomed them to the group.

A workshop to review the Draft copy of the Residential and Commercial portions of the proposed Zoning Ordinance was held. Chairman Gullickson stated that some residents will not be in favor of zoning their land. In the past, many preferred that their land be zoned exclusively agricultural. Gullickson is not in favor of this. Today they might favor agricultural/residential, rather than try to change it later on when development picks up. The Eastern part of the town is highly erodible and not the best farmland. Tonight’s meeting is the last scheduled meeting on the proposed zoning ordinance. Gullickson recommended that an additional public meeting be scheduled and that all interested parties be invited. This meeting should be held before the Town Board acts on the ordinance at a final hearing.

Lee Olsen stated he would have preferred earlier notice of this meeting. He found many portions too nit-picky and detailed and interfering too much with owner’s rights. Barry Schaefer agreed, citing the overhang issue. All agreed that the goals of establishing zoning and the procedure of review and revision of the ordinance need to be publicized. The ordinance allows for revision.

Commission members reviewed the comments and suggestions from the workshop. Nolan Wall summarized as follows:

The Town Board plans to hold a public hearing on October 12, 2010 on the Total Zoning Ordinances. To help in meeting that deadline, the Plan Commission will hold an additional meeting on July 29 at 7 P.M. The Plan Commission’s regular meeting will be on August 12th and another meeting (if needed) to complete the ordinances will be held on August 26th.

Respectfully Submitted. Marilyn Buckingham Substitute Secretary

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