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Selected Plan Commission Minutes
Town of Garfield Plan Commission
Sep 09, 2010

Town of Garfield Plan Commission

Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2010

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm

In attendance: Orval Johnson, Chairman; Marilyn Buckingham, Member; Barry Eklund, Member; Darrell

Emerson, Member; Mark Kopp, Member; George Stroebel, Member; Natalie Trudeau, Member; Nolan

Wall, Planner from Stevens Engineers

Special guest: Jim Alt, Zoning Administrator of the Town of St. Croix Falls

Minutes of the August 12 Plan Commission Meeting were read and approved

Elect a Vice Chairman and Secretary: Buckingham was nominated as Vice Chairman (Johnson/Kopp);

carried unanimously. Trudeau was nominated as Secretary (Emerson/Eklund); carried unanimously.

Jim Alt was introduced to the Plan Commission and spoke about the specifics of his duties as Zoning

Administrator for the Town of St. Croix Falls. The average number of hours spent per week is approx 20 ?

25. It was noted that St. Croix Falls has much more commercial land use than Garfield and that the

average number of Res and Ag?Res Land Use Permits for the past two years was 15 . 20 annually.

Essentially, the Zoning Administrator does most of the .leg work. for the Plan Commission: assembling

application packets, assisting applicants in filling out forms, processing permits, compiling information

and forwarding to the Plan Commission with recommendation for approval or denial. Variance requests

have no recommendation by the Zoning Administrator and are rare, usually only when a permit is

denied, and are forwarded to the Board of Appeals. Conditional Uses are forwarded to the Plan


Discussion on Draft Zoning Ordinance public comments received via e?mail:

Nadine Dzubay requested a transmittable copy of the Draft Zoning Map. PC reply: The Map had

not been completed yet, so was not available, and will be made available on the website once

the draft is complete.

James Chevalier questioned why the Town of Garfield needs a Zoning Ordinance when most

other towns in Polk County do not, why the ordinance is so lengthy, and also questioned the

cost of administering said ordinance. PC reply: The Town Board chose to pursue Town Zoning.

Official Town Hearing and Public Meeting were conducted prior to choosing Town Zoning vs.

County Zoning. Citizens present agreed unanimously (13?0) to proceed with Town Zoning. The

Comprehensive Plan notes the intent to preserve and enhance the rural character of the Town,

and zoning sets up a framework of community standards which allow flexibility within that

framework. A weak ordinance would be easy to exploit compared to the detail within the

proposed ordinance. The costs of administering zoning permits exist no matter whether the

Town adopts its own zoning. Costs are kept at the Town level instead of happening at the

County level. This process keeps it local within the community and provides the opportunity to

set lower administrative fees, since it is kept within the smaller infrastructure of the Town.

Ed Mohrsfelder provided comments on specific text within the ordinance. PC reply: Comments

were reviewed and will be modified or left unchanged as appropriate.

Zoning Map Draft finalized.

Zoning Permit Application packet: Reviewed and approved with one edit to page 2 of Conditional Use

Fee Schedule: Reviewed fee structure of Polk County, St. Croix County, and Pierce County. Motion was

made to adopt a fee schedule at approximately 75% of the Polk County fees with intent to review

annually (Eklund/Buckingham); carried unanimously.

Public Workshop: September 30 at 7pm

Public Hearing prior to Town Board Meeting: October 12 at 7pm

Next Regular Plan Commission Meeting: October 14 at 7pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Natalie Trudeau, Secretary

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