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Selected Town Board Minutes
Garfield Town Board Meeting
May 11, 2010

Garfield Town Board Meeting

May 11, 2010

Present: Chairman: Ed Gullickson

Supervisor: George Stroebel

Supervisor: Donald Mork

Treasurer: Valerie Anderson

Clerk: Sue Knutson

Meeting for Special meeting/ATV Ordinance called to order by Chairman, Ed Gullickson, at

7:05 pm.

AVT Ordinance 2-2010:

Operating under State Statutes. Section 5 in regard to certain roads that are not included.

Ordinance can be revised.

Marilyn Buckingham had concerns about Wapogasset Lake Lane and the ATVs turning around

on peoples’ property. Ordinance states that ATVs must remain on the surface of the

blacktop/gravel roads at all times.

Carl from Rural Insurance stated that this ordinance will not affect the Town’s general liability

insurance. The club needs to have their own insurance. Club is responsible for signage.

There have been only a couple of incidences in other Towns and the clubs there took care of

the problems themselves. The Sheriff’s Department was not involved in taking care of the


Stroebel stated that he has not heard anything negative.

Signs need to be purchased and installed. Town maintenance employee will oversee that they

are installed properly to State code.

Jim Ellefson commented on roads that are shared by other Towns, e.g. 130th & 120th, if they

will be opened for use.

Jon Rodke asked if they would be able to use the sign poles. Gullickson stated that they need

to talk to the Town Maintenance.

Adjourned special meeting: Gullickson adjourned meeting, 7:22 pm.

Town Board Meeting called to order by Chairman, Ed Gullickson, at 7:22 pm.

Minutes of last meeting: Motion made by Stroebel/Mork to approve Board minutes as

submitted. Carried-unanimously.

Public Comments: Vivian Hillebrandt asked why Roger Dahl’s dog is in her yard in the

mornings. Roger Dahl was at meeting and knows about one incident.

Road Work Update: Ditches are almost cleaned up on 70th Avenue.

140th construction—dirt will be hauled away, some will be used for fill. Mark Knutson will be

checking with DNR to get permits for the wet lands.

ATV Ordinance 2-2010: Correction to ordinance was that the ATVs needs to remain on the

road surface.

Motion made by Gullickson/Mork to approve the ATV Ordinance 2-2010 and will go into effect

when the ATV Club shows proof that signage is complete.

Brock Olson stated that the club has approximately $1900 and that the signs will cost

approximately $1700. The signs will be purchased this week.

Reconstruction of 140th Street: 140th construction—dirt will be hauled away, some will be

used for fill. Mark Knutson will be checking with DNR to get permits for the wet lands.

David Toffness Request for Lot Separation: Discussion.

Motion made by Stroebel/Mork to approved Toffness lot separation of Certified Survey Map

1404 from two lot to three lots.

Park Playground Equipment: Dave Nelson showed pictures of a merry-go-round and slide.

Nelson measured and there is enough room to have these installed. Joyce Gullickson sent out

letters for donations. Right now the equipment is half paid for by the Bremer grant. Grant

paperwork needs to be in by August 14. Kids would like to see more swings. Action to be

taken at the June Board Meeting.

Maintenance of Service for Emergency Services-Act 28: State budget made it so that the

Towns could not cut the funding to the fire departments. The fire department’s levy went down

due to the re-assessment and the equalized valued decreased, therefore the dollar amount

decreased. There was a clause in the Act that if the Town could prove that there was not a

loss of service, the funding reduction is exempt. A letter to the WI Department of Revenue

proving that the continued service level will be going out in tomorrow’s mail.

Statement of Accounts: Profit & Loss statement was submitted. Motion made by

Gullickson/Stroebel to approve Profit & Loss statement. Carried-unanimously.

Approval of Vouchers: Submitted, signed and approved. Motion made by Gullickson/Mork

to approve submitted vouchers. Carried-unanimously.

Treasurer’s report: Submitted. Motion made by Stroebel/Mork to approve treasurer’s report.


Adjourn: Motion made by Mork/Stroebel to adjourn meeting, 8:00 pm. Carried-unanimously.

Submitted by: Sue Knutson, Clerk

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