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Selected Town Board Minutes
Special Meeting and Garfield Town Board Meeting
Jun 14, 2011

Revised Sub-Division Ordinance - Special Meeting and

Garfield Town Board Meeting

June 14, 2011

Present: Chairman: Ed Gullickson

Supervisor: George Stroebel

Supervisor: Donald Mork

Treasurer: Valerie Anderson

Clerk: Sue Knutson

Special Revised Sub-Division Ordinance 1-2011 Meeting called to order by Chairman,

Ed Gullickson, at 7:03 pm.

Nolan Wahl, Stevens Engineers, explained the Sub-Division Ordinance 1-2011 and why the

Town needed to revise the ordinance and explained the changes.

Road, Erosion and Driveway section was removed and added to the Revised Driveway and

Road Ordinance.

Dave Nelson inquired as to land trusts. Nolan Wahl explained that would be included in the

Land Conservation easements. Gullickson explained the system of sewer systems and

developments sharing a system.

Gullickson asked if there are any questions/objections. Hearing none.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Town Board Meeting called to order by Chairman, Ed Gullickson, at 7:10 pm.

Minutes of last meeting: Motion made by Stroebel/Mork to approve Board minutes as

submitted. Carried-unanimously.

Public Comments: Vivian Hillebrandt asked if a guardrail can be put up on turn on 70th and

170th. Her fence keeps getting knocked down. Gullickson explained the steps of doing such.

Matter is tabled until July meeting.

Town Hall Landscaping: Gullickson suggested that the Town hire Justin Mork to do the

landscaping on a $12 per hour basis. Mark Knutson will oversee the work.

Road Construction: Gullickson handed Board a copy of Monarch Paving’s quote for black

topping 140th, Kennedy Mill Road, 180th Street, and Minneapolis Street. Gullickson stated that

180th needs to be done. 140th dirt work will be done this week. David Berg was concerned

about the AVT entrances to his property were removed. Mark Knutson stated that there were

no entrances but the AVTs will still be able to access the property. Monarch wants to grind the

road the middle of July. Road priority is 140th, 180th, and Minneapolis Street. Kennedy Mill

will be patched. Gullickson stated that Monarch, County, and Stevens Engineers are

suggesting using more of the Warm Mix and that it will last better and that is more

environmentally friendly.

Ditch mowing has started.

Mark Knutson asked if the Town could get someone to do the little things that need to be done

at the Park and Sunrise Beach like re-staining, trimming trees, etc.

Wapogasset Park Parking-Discussion: Marilyn Buckingham handed in a petition signed by

43 residents. Gullickson stated that last Thursday at the Planning Committee this matter was

discussed. Sunrise Beach and Wapogasset Park needed 29 parking stalls to receive grants

from the DNR. The Town owns Block 2, Lot 5 & 6 of the intended new parking lot. Board

started discussing the matter in May 2009. In June 2009 we asked Stevens Engineering to do

a survey of land with options. July 20, 2009, Dave Nelson, Park Committee Chair, submitted

plans to build new parking lot. Board approved and made a motion to approve a plan for a

new parking lot. Dave Nelson commented that the Park needs additional parking because last

weekend there was a fishing tournament and shelters were rented. Nelson also stated that

vehicles were parking down Wapogasset Lake Lane. If vehicles park on County Road F, this

causes a hazard. Buckingham stated that she was on the Town Board at the time this was

discussed and said she stated she opposed this additional parking. Buckingham also talked

with DNR regarding the parking. Buckingham suggested that maybe the Town of Lincoln

would put in parking. Stroebel asked what Buckingham’s concerns were. Buckingham and

Phillip Logan stated that they are concerned about safety of people walking on road and in

park and the safety of getting their mail. They are also concerned about the adverse effects of

the landscape. Buckingham asked for time to consider different alternatives and to form a

committee to pursue different options. Jim Ellefson suggested moving the mailboxes further

down the road. Gullickson stated that there are several residents on Wapogasset Lake Lane

that oppose the petition to hault the construction of additional parking. Gullickson/Nelson

stated that the Park Committee was assigned to the development.

Gullickson asked board for a motion to consider Buckingham’s concerns. No motion was


Joyce Gullickson stated that people objected to the Park’s reconstruction at the beginning and

now people are glad that the Park was done.

Ed Gullickson stated that the Town has a couple of ordinances to protect the Park.

Natalie Trudeau commented that the community doesn’t end at the Town’s boundaries.

Revoked Building Permit Application for Todd Fulton: Motion made by Stroebel/Mork

regarding the revocation of building permit application issued to Todd Fulton. Carriedunanimously.

Fulton will receive a refund in the amount of $521.

Review Revised Sub-Division Ordinance: Motion made by Gullickson/Stroebel to approve

Revised Sub-Division Ordinance 1-2011 as approved by the Planning Commission. Carriedunanimously.

Motion to repeal Sub-Division Ordinance 3-2004 was made by Mork/Stroebel. Carriedunanimously.

Set Hearing Date for Dog Nuisance and Junked Vehicle Ordinances: Motion made by

Gullickson/Stroebel to set hearing date for Dog Nuisance 2-2011 and Junk Vehicle Ordinance

3-2011 for July 12, 2011, at 7:00 pm. Carried-unanimously.

Approve Liquor License Applications for UW Wanderoos, Home Base Bar, Waterside

Bar, and Wanderoos Lions Club: Motion made by Gullickson/Stroebel to approve Liquor

License for UW Wanderoos, Home Base Bar, Waterside Bar, and Wanderoos Lions Club Beer

License. Carried-unanimously.

Motion made by Gullickson/Stroebel to approve Operator Licenses that pass the background

check and that the ones that have background history will be assessed and approved at the

next Board Meeting in July. Carried-unanimously.

Discuss Purchase of Flat Screen Monitor for Public Presentations: Motion made by

Stroebel/Mork to have Gullickson purchase a flat screen monitor for the Town Hall.

Discuss Merit Review for Maintenance Supervisor: Mark Knutson did not get a raise in

salary last year. Gullickson stated a $0.50/hr increase (2.5% increase). Stroebel stated he

appreciates Knutson’s work and work ethics.

Motion made by Gullickson/Mork to approve Mark Knutson’s wage increase of $0.50/hour due

to no increase last year. Carried-unanimously.

Clerk’s Report: Submitted and reviewed.

Approval of Vouchers: Submitted, signed and approved. Motion made by Gullickson/

Stroebel to approve submitted vouchers. Carried-unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Submitted and reviewed.

Adjourn: Motion made by Gullickson/Mork to adjourn meeting, 8:58 pm. Carriedunanimously.

Submitted by: Sue Knutson, Clerk

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