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Selected Park Committee Minutes
Minutes of Park Committee Meeting
Mar 31, 2010

Minutes of Park Committee Meeting March 31, 2010

Attendance: David Nelson, Don Mork, Joyce Gullickson, Steve Christenson

Guests: Vi Nelson

David Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Minutes - Minutes of the September 16, 2009 - SC made the motion that the minutes be

approved. DM seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Park – There was discussion on presenting the Town Board with our suggestions for play

ground equipment that will be purchased using the grant from the Bremer Foundation.

After looking at catalogs for slides and merry-go-rounds, Don Mork made the motion to consider

an 8’ carrousel from Burke for approx. $3241.00. Steve Christenson seconded the motion.

Motion passed.

Dave Nelson made the motion to consider a slide set from Miracle for approx $11,000.00. Steve

Christenson seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Joyce Gullickson will contact the companies and see if we can get any better prices for the

equipment. Also, she will get approval from the Town Board to contact area Towns for their

consideration of donating funds for this equipment.

There are a few trees at the park that need to be removed before they are taken down by the wind

and cause damage.

There was an easement request by Spencer Hammer through the Recreation Area. Steve

Christenson made the motion that we disapprove the easement – Don Mork seconded the motion.

Motion passed.

The plaques will be applied to the tables showing who donated monies toward them.

Mark Knutson, Maintenance requested that he be allowed to place rubberized rings around the

trees in the park – these will make it easier to mow around the trees rather than the messy bark

mulch. He also requested a hose reel for approx. $150.00. Dave Nelson made the motion that he

purchase the above items. Joyce Gullickson seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Garfield Resident Appreciation Day was discussed. Dave Nelson suggested contacting the

Lion’s Club for the grill and cooking. We would advertise in the papers & on the website.

No date has been determined at this time.

Sunrise Beach – There are several trees that must be removed at the launch area. These are

within 35’ of the shoreline – the Polk Co. Zoning will be contacted to get permission.

Steve Christenson made the motion to adjourn. Don Mork seconded. Motion passed.

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